GEICO Corporate Office, Address, Phone Number


GEICO or Government Employees Insurance Company is an auto insurance American company in Maryland. The company was founded in the year 1936. In GEICO, approx 35000 employees work here. The first largest auto insurance company is State Farm and the second-largest auto insurance company is GEICO in the whole United States.

Based on the report of 2017, the company provided approx 24 million vehicles and the number of policyholders was 15 million. GEICO sells policy by their local agents or you can say them as their representatives. You can buy policies from directly over the phone or you can buy through their website.


GEICO also provides property insurance. But the company forward all the risks of the policy to third parties. They have separate customer care service for property insurance.

GEICO headquarters Executive team

The President and Executive officer of Insurance operations of the company are Olza M. Nicely. The President and Chief executive officer of the capital operation of the company are Louis A. Simpson. The senior vice president of the company is Charles R. Davis and the senior vice president and the chief financial officer is Thomas A. Wells.

Directors of GEICO Corporation

Warren E. Buffett, John J. Geer, Forrest N. Krutter, David L. Schindler, Donald R. Lyons, and many more people.

GEICO insurance headquarters team

The President and chief executive officer are Olza M. Nicely. The senior vice president is Charles R. Davis. The senior vice president and the chief financial officer is Thomas A. Wells. The vice president of the company is William E. Roberts.

GEICO corporate address

The full address of the GEICO corporate office is 5260 Western Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD 20815.

GEICO headquarters address

GEICO headquarters address is 5260 Western Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD 20815.

GEICO corporate office phone numbers

GEICO’s corporate office phone number is 1-(301) 986-3000. If you call this number, a regular calling charge will be applicable. Also, there are two toll-free numbers is available which is 1800-841-3000 and the other is 1800-841-2964.

GEICO corporate email address

If you want to mail GEICO, then go to and log in your account and email them.

GEICO official website

GEICO’s official website is

Note: all the phone numbers and email address is for knowledge purposes. If there is any chance that occurs, please comment down.

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